Religious Formation & Evangelization Ministry
Was tasked with the responsibility for the formation of all servants and servant leaders of Filipino Community on a regular basis.
Our Team
Simplicity – Live simply in the essence of the Beatitudes, taking delight in a simple witness to Jesus – meek and humble of heart.
Humility – Emptying of self to let Jesus, God’s power and might, manifest for the sake of others.
Silence – In imitating Jesus, silence becomes the way of attentive listening, compassion and prayer. It is the way to truth.
Incoming Formation
Ongoing Formation
Spiritual Works of Mercy
To be the home of spiritual formation, communion and camaraderie for Filipino faith formators in Dubai, UAE; and, in the fulfilment of their baptismal vows, themselves to become true ambassadors of the Good News in the footsteps of Christ.
To draw and unite the overseas lay Filipinos in Dubai, UAE towards active, responsible and constant participation in the life, ministries and works of the Roman Catholic Church and its faith communities; to help re-build and re-strengthen the Filipino domestic churches amidst the demands of work and diversified cultures through the sustained celebrations of the Sacraments, popular devotions, retreats, recollections and on-going formation through catechesis.
In reference to the Code of Canon Law, Book II, The People of God, Part
- The Christian Faithful, Title
- The Obligations and Rights of the Lay Christian Faith (Cann. 224-231) – the lay faithful who desire to voluntarily devote and commit part of their time – to their choice of any one (1) up to two (2) ministries of the Filipino Community as SERVANTS shall first and foremost commit themselves to the processes of Incoming and On-going formation session fitting a servant of God:
- Incoming Formation
- Continuing (ongoing) spiritual formation
- Technical formation required by particular ministries